Vendor Maintenance Management
Are you tired of receiving late night emergency phone calls? Do you worry about how to find quality vendors to maintain your property or don't even know where to start? Have you missed work or other appointments to meet a service provider for your property maintenance issues? Are you tired of compiling documents for vendor insurance, qualifications, requests for proposals, etc.? Does your maintenance request take days, weeks, or even months to repsond to a homeowner maintenance request? We can help!
Let us organize your RFPs, manage your vendor compliance documents, and constantly review the quality of work and commitment of your vendors. Imagine the efficiency of your Association's communications. Homeowners will be standing at the grocery story and receive a text or email that the burnt out light-bulb or broken sprinkler head has been fixed! All while providing online and/or in person resources for:
• Provide for 24-hour emergency maintenance service.
• View real time maintenance account status.
• Website Services: Maintenance Requests & Vendor
• View a calendar of upcoming community association major
maintenance projects and events.
• Manage your account. No phone calls or printed reports are
• Use an online search capability to call up your community
association rules and regulations regarding maintenance
• Request maintenance services via an easy-to-use online
• View real time updates and reports. Track the status of
maintenance service requests efficiently and seamlessly
via email or text message
• Provide vendor ad space
• Provide a Community Business Leader to Manage these
***Prices could vary based on actual type of property, (apartment, condominium, town-home, single family home), amenities under maintenance, square footage, and other variable factors. Please contact your sales associate for details.