National Resources
Community Associations Institute
Realty Times
Laws Affecting Community Associations (Colorado)
CCIOA - Colorado Common Interest Community Act
SB 100 Full Version - Senate Bill 100 regulating budgets, assessments, and reporting (view summary here)
SB 89 Full Version - Senate Bill 89 "clean up bill" clearing confusion on past laws (read comparison chart here)
HB 1359 - House Bill 1359 regulating association reserve study policie
HB 1270 - House Bill 1270 regulating energy efficiency items
HB 1278 - House Bill 1278 requiring DORA registration
HB 42 - House Bill 42 regulating American Flags
HB1237 - House Bill 1237 affecting volunteer board members, association records, & transparency
HB1134 - House Bill 1134 increasing the obligations and authority of the HOA Information Office, oversight of association elections
State Resources (Colorado)
County Resources (Colorado)